warts removal

There are a few hone remedies handed down form grandma to children all over the world. In your kitchen shelf there are plenty of home remedies that you probably no nothing about. I will give you some here that I have heard that work well with warts as man yin our family suffered with warts for generations.
Apple Cider Vinegar
What you is some petroleum jelly, cotton balls and waterproof tape.
You just apply the jelly around your wart and dip the cotton ball with vinegar and apply it to the wart and tape around it with your tape. Take it off in the morning and repeat again in the evening. Do this routine for about a few weeks and within a month you should see some fabulous results.
Castor oil
This is a bit messy but effective. Rub some castor oil in and around the spot and repeat this about three times a day. You can add baking soda to be really effective then wrap around with a bandage and leave it on the whole night. It takes about month or so it will be gone.
Just cut a potato ion half and rub that on your wart about 10 times a day. Continue this for a few weeks. You can also shave the potato and put it in a bandage and wrap it around over night; this will help in removing wart
Lemon juice with apple vinegar
Soak lemon slices in the vinegar a for a 3 weeks and after that apply that on the wart and it should cone off
Banana peel
Get hold of a real ripe banana and take the peel and remove the inside of the peel and apply it to your wart and keep it covered. Do not take it off till you take a bath or shower ad then reapply again and again for a few weeks. It will come off
Good old Garlic
This plant has so much medicinal properties you would call it the wonder drug plant. It cures so many of our ailments and why not warts?
Take vitamin E capsule crush it and apply to the wart before garlic as a base to protect you skin. Crush garlic a few pods and make a poultice and wrap it around and leave it fro a day and take it off wash it and slowly the skin will blister and warts will fall away
Just take the juice of this fruit and apply it with a bandage for a few days and the wart should disappear/
Onion juice with salt. Apply salt to a cut onion. And leave it over night in a jar and in the morning you will some juice and apply that juice several times and in few days the art should go away.
There are so many but we will stop with this for now
Robert is a Mole Wart Removal expert. For more great information on ‘Mole Wart Removal’, visit http://www.molewartremovalsecretz.com

Being informed in advance about certain things gives a new perspective to tackle new challenges in the life. The same holds true for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as genital warts. People, who indulge in unsafe or unprotected sexual practices, put themselves at the risk of contracting this infection from a person, who is already carrying Human Papilloma Virus (virus responsible for causing genital warts). The symptoms of this disease mainly target the genital and anal area of both men and women. Genital warts can grow in clusters and cauliflower-resembling bumps, which can appear on any part of the body, especially on the genitals in most cases. In some cases, HPV remains dormant in the body and doesn’t make its presence by the formation of warts rather it stays asymptomatic without revealing any symptoms whatsoever. Once infected, the symptoms of this STD come to the fore within the time of 1-3 months from the infection.
Causes of Genital Warts
The various stages of genital warts show that if not treated in time, the condition can worsen and get out of hand. After evaluating the causes and the symptoms of this disease, we can look into genital warts treatment options available.
If you engage in sexual acts with someone who has been sexually active in the past, you can be at the high risk of contracting this infection.
Unprotected sex with multiple partners can put you at twofold risk when it comes to both men and women.
If these warts are found in young children, sexual abuse is a possibility.
Non sexual acts can also lead to symptoms of genital warts in men and women.
In some rare cases, excessive use of contraceptives has also been linked to the development of genital warts.
Treatment of genital warts
If you are suffering from genital warts and are feeling embarrassed to meet a doctor and discuss about it, it is better that you find some quality lotion or cream to treat it. You can buy these natural treatments on over the counter basis or buy it online from genuine websites. Dermisil Warts and Wartrol Genital Warts Relief are two of the popular natural treatments for this infection. As these creams have excellent results with no major side effects, they are preferred choice for people suffering from this embarrassing condition.
Dermisil Warts – Dermisil Warts is natural anti-viral topical treatment for genital warts. It contains three different compounds alpha-terpinene-4-ol, thuja occidentalis, and ricinus communis that can fight with the HPV. These natural-plant extracts with anti-viral properties control symptoms of warts by lessening their severity. You need to first wash the infected area with soap and water and then dry the area completely before applying this solution to the skin. In order to properly apply Dermisil on the warts, you can scour the wart with an emery board to remove some of the dead tissues on it. Apply the liquid on the infected area with the help of a q-tip at least three times a day. You can also take a cotton ball dipped into the liquid placed over the wart area with the help of a medical tape. Repeating this procedure can flake off the wart and destroy it. Dermisil Warts absorbs quickly into the skin as applied and passes into blood stream as soon as it is applied. The anti-viral components can quickly neutralize the effect of the HPV virus by gently working on the warts. Dermisil treats warts without leaving any scaring. It is formulated to target all strains of the HPV, on any part of the body, including the genitals.
Wartrol Genital Warts Relief ‘” Wartrol Genital Warts Relief is a fast-acting spray that can provide effective control of the symptoms of this infection. This solution can be sprayed under the tongue twice a day for relief from the symptoms.
It is due to the dormant nature of the virus, genital warts cure with any treatment is not possible, though its symptoms can be controlled and treated with natural antiviral treatments.

What causes wart to be a hand wart versus another type of wart? A wart is a small benign but harmless growth which has been caused by a viral infection and will occur on a persons skin or their mucous membrane (this tissue lines the nose, throat, digestive tract and other body openings). The viruses which are associated with what causes a wart are members of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) family and the warts can be transmitted from one person to another as well as being able to travel from one part of the body to another.
The people who most commonly get warts are children, young adults and women and affect between 7 to 10% of the population. There are nearly 60 different kinds of HPV which can cause warts and each type of HPV prefer a certain part of the human body. There are some HPV’s which will produce warts on a person’s skin whilst there are others which will produce warts inside your mouth and others which will produce warts on the genital and rectal areas of a person’s body.
The HPV enters the body through the skin or mucous membrane and normally no symptoms will appear for between 1 to 8 months after it has entered the person’s body. Often when warts appear they are usually skin colored and will feel rough to touch, but there are others which can be dark, flat and feel smooth to touch. A wart remedy needs to analyze between the hand wart and other types of warts.
Also people who suffer with HPV will differ in their sensitivity to the virus and some people may find that they get warts over and over again, whilst others will only get them on odd occassions. Unfortunately for those with damaged skin the HPV is able to penetrate the body more easily. Plus people who suffer with a weakened immune system are especially sensitive to HPV and will suffer with wart infections.
Warts as previously mentioned can appear on different parts of the body and below are some descriptions relating to warts found on hands, feet and flat warts types.
1. Hand Warts: These are common and will grow around the nails, on fingers and on the backs of a person’s hand. They will often appear where the skin is broken on the hands. This can make a student self-conscious in class and it is something that one feels a lot as we use our hands for so many applications.
2. Foot Warts : These are also known as plantar warts and generally occur on the ball of the foot, the heel and the bottom of your toes. These areas of the body are subject to weight, pressure and irritation and will have a tendency to crack and break open which provides a way for the virus to enter the body. These types of warts do not generally stick up above the skin and people of all ages are susceptible to these warts. They are most prevalent in adolescents between the ages of 12 and 16. Often they will pick up the virus in locker rooms (at school), at swimming pools or just by walking barefoot on a dirty surface. Also people who suffer from diabetes mellitus are likely to develop plantar warts and they develop in areas where sores did not heal properly before.
3. Flat Warts. These are smaller than the two mentioned above and tend to grow in large numbers as well as appearing anywhere on the body. However flat warts appear most often on the legs of women and faces of children and young adult males. These are different than the common hand wart.
So the what causes wart? As you can see the main reason for a wart is the Human Papilloma Virus.

Most skin tabs or skin tags are small, look strange and usually do not hurt. Because of their small size and painlessness, many people think they can remove their own skin tags at home. This can be a dangerous assumption, especially if the skin tags occur on the genitals or eyelids. Do-it-yourself skin tag removal remidies, such as cutting the tag off with scissors, opens the body to infections and causes unnecessary pain.
Removing a skin tag may also be unnecessary. They are not contagious and are not symptoms of a contagious disease. Some skin tags will fall off by themselves. They may turn dark blue, purple or black and drop off after three to eleven days. These color-changing skin tags are also painless. If they do suddenly become painful, they should be checked by a doctor or dermatologist.
Types of Skin Tag Removal
There are several in-office procedures doctors and dermatologists do to remove skin tags from patients. Just what method is used depends on where the skin tag is located and the overall health of the individual patient. The three main types of in-office skin tag removal procedures include freezing, burning and surgical removal.
Freezing is done by spraying liquid nitrogen on the tag. This freezes the skin and effectively kills it. The tag may then be surgically removed with sterile surgical equipment or allowed to fall off on its own. Freezing may not be an option for skin tags on the genitals or near the eyes.
Burning is done with an electric medical cauterizer. Usually a local anesthesia is given unless there are many skin tags to be removed or the tag is exceptionally large and then the patient may need to go under general anesthetic. The skin tags darken and fall off soon after being burned.
Surgical removal can be done in office or in the hospital, depending on where the skin tags are. This is often the only option for genital tags since freezing or burning may damage healthy skin around the tag.
What About Do-it-yourself Wart Removal Products?
Never use over the counter wart removal sprays or liquids on skin tags. They will not work and may cause pain, severe irritation and damage to your healthy skin. Warts and skin tags are not the same and cannot be treated in the same way. Many wart removal products are mild acids which can cause pain and permanent scarring for people who use these products to remove skin tags.
If the skin tag is located underneath the breast, on the fingers or anywhere where it constantly rubs against clothes or skin, then this acid causes intense itching. Even a saint will not be able to resist scratching. Scratching breaks open the skin and can cause dangerous infections.
In order to avoid damaging healthy skin, causing permanent scars and dangerous internal infections, anyone with bothersome skin tags should see a medical professional with sterile equipment for skin tag removal. A doctor or dermatologist can also see if one of the tags should be closely examined for cancer. Skin tags are a type of skin tumor. Although they are usually benign, but it is always best to have them checked out to be sure they are not cancerous.

Additional References
University of Maryland Medical Center. “Cutaneous Skin Tags.”

Web MD. “Slideshow: Common Adult Skin Problems.”

WiseGeek. “What are Genital Skin Tags?”

We all know that the best way to avoid an STD (sexually transmitted disease) is by not having sex with anyone who has not been tested. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen the way we hope, and carriers of genital warts don’t always know they have them. There is no cure for genital warts, and the only thing that an infected patient can do is treat them and tell all of their sexual partners that they have it.
Genital warts are caused by a virus called condylomata acuminata, and can also be referred to as venereal warts. The virus cannot be irradiated once it is contracted, and it is possible to spread the disease to future sexual partners regardless of whether or not you have visible warts.
In women, genital warts are found on both the outside and the inside of the vagina, as well as on the cervix, the uterus, and around the anus. In men, genital warts can be found on the tip of the penis, the scrotum and around the anus. They are much more common in women than in men. Sometimes, genital warts are small, single warts on the skin, but they can also form in large clusters. A genital wart that has not be treated will usually turn into a large, fleshy, cauliflower-like wart given time.
Although it is impossible to “cure” a patient of genital warts, they can be treated by your primary care physician or gynecologist. One of the methods that doctors use to treat genital warts is by using liquid nitrogen. The doctor will “freeze” the wart from the skin, leaving a reddish abraded area where the wart once was, which is called cryotherapy. Burning the warts from the skin is called electrocautery. Typically, freezing and burning genital warts is reserved for single warts or very small clusters.
Larger outbreaks of genital warts can be treated with a imiquimod cream, a 20% podophyllin antimitotic solution, a 5% percent 5-fluorouracil cream, or trichloroacetic acid (TCA).
Untreated, genital warts sometimes disappear on their own, though they usually form the raised cauliflower-like appearance described above. If you suspect that you have contracted genital warts, you should visit your doctor and discuss treatment options. Genital warts can usually be diagnosed visually, though a blood test will show the presence of the virus, as well.
Women with genital warts are also at an increased risk for human papilloma virus (HPV), which can be diagnosed following a pap smear. Women who discover that they have genital warts should also be tested for HPV.
Even after treatment, genital warts can reappear, sometimes in larger quantities than before. It is important that infected patients keep a close eye for future outbreaks, and consult their doctor immediately when one occurs. It is also important that the patient share the fact that they have genital warts with all future sexual partners.

Common warts most often pop up on your hands, but they can also appear on your arms, legs and face. Warts often stand up away from the skin, but they’re sometimes rather flat like moles. You can tell the difference between a true wart and a mole by checking the skin lines in it. If the lines move through the growth, then it’s a mole. If the lines of your skin stop at the growth and continue on the other side, then it’s a wart. Also, warts feel rough. They’re not smooth. Use these
homemade remedies to get rid of common warts!
Duct Tape Has a Thousand and One Uses
1. There are oodles of ways to use duct tape, and getting rid of common warts is just one of them. Place a piece of duct tape over the wart so it covers it, but not the skin surrounding it. Leave the tape in place for a week. Then, soak the common wart in water until it softens. Use an emery board to gently rub some of the wart away. Repeat this entire procedure for the next three weeks and the wart should disappear!
2. Green Banana Peels Also Eradicate Warts
Another homemade remedy to get rid of common warts is to cut a piece out of a green banana peel. Place the piece over the wart so the inside is against the skin. Then, hold the peel in place with a strip of gauze and medical tape. Keep the area clean and change the piece of banana peel, gauze and tape on a daily basis. Eventually, the wart should dry up.
3. Vitamin E Is Known for Its Healing, Restorative Properties
Use a sharp, sanitized needle to poke a hole in a Vitamin E capsule. Carefully squeeze the oil onto the wart so it completely covers it. Place a bandage over the wart and keep it clean. Repeat this process daily and apply a clean bandage, and the wart should be gone soon!
4. Hydrogen Peroxide Is Another Effective, Homemade Remedy
Douse a common wart with hydrogen peroxide (3.5% grade) every day and allow it to dry. The solution will kill the virus so the growth will vanish.
5. Tea Tree Oil is a Natural Antiseptic That Can Kill Viruses
This homemade remedy to get rid of common warts is as simple as the others. All you need to do is apply tea tree oil on the wart every day. Cover the growth with a bandage and keep it clean. Reapply the oil and change the bandage every day until the common wart is gone.
6. Oregano Oil is a Powerful Homemade Remedy for Common Warts
Apply a drop or two of Oregano oil to the wart so it’s completely covered. Cover the growth with a bandage. Reapply the oil every day and change the bandages until the wart disappears completely.
And finally, drink plenty of Echinacea tea, or take supplements, and this natural antibiotic can actually help your body produce an immunity to warts so you will never get them again!

Jade plants are beautiful succulent plants that are commonly used as house plants or to add color and foliage to a garden. Aside from being lovely to look at, however, these versatile plants can serve a more practical purpose. Jade plants are thought to be effective in treating warts. Let’s take a look at the most common medicinal use for jade plants as well as some additional cultural uses.
Use Them to Get Rid of Warts
Warts are a very common skin condition that can be embarrassing, unsightly and can cause pain and discomfort if they are located on a frequently used part of the body. Many people opt for commercial wart removal treatments that are available at their local drug store. However, you can also get rid of warts naturally using the leaves from a jade plant.
To treat the wart, start by slicing open a leaf from the jade plant so that the juicy center portion is exposed. Using surgical tape, tape a small piece of the leaf with the juicy side down on top of the wart before bed. Then go to sleep and remove the tape and leaf when you get up the following morning. Repeat this process for several nights or until the wart falls off. It’s an easy, inexpensive and natural way to eliminate warts.
Other Uses for Jade Plants
Although there is little documentation for other medicinal uses for the jade plant, it is believed to be useful for other things besides treating warts. Many cultures around the world believe that this plant has the ability to attract wealth and abundance as well as to bring about feelings of calm and comfort.
In Eastern cultures the jade plant is so closely associated with its ability to attract abundance that it is also called the money plant. It is believed that the small, flat, coin-like leaves of the plant will help to draw more money into your life. Whether or not this is true, it certainly couldn’t hurt to place a jade plant or two around your home or work area. After all, one can never have too much abundance in their life!
Again, in keeping with feng shui principles, jade plants are also thought to have a calming effect due to the rounded shape of their leaves. Whether you practice feng shui or not, placing one of these plants in an area where you regularly spend time could help to make the atmosphere more calm and relaxing. If nothing else just having a beautiful plant to look at could improve your mood and help to clean the air in your home.
As you can see, whether you use jade plants medicinally to treat warts or as a catalyst for more abundance and peace in your life they are sure to be a wonderful addition to any home.

Plantar warts are benign epithelialtumors caused by infection by human papilloma virus types 1, 2, 4, or 63. The warts on any other part of the body are no longer referred to as plantar warts because the plantar is an area of the foot. These warts are common and an estimated 7-10% of Americans are infected with it.
The warts thrive in damp or moist environments, and are most commonly picked up in bathrooms or by swimming pools. Locker rooms are another common place to pick up the warts. If not treated by a doctor, the warts generally go away on their own, but treatment is suggested. Liquid Nitrogen is the treatment that I underwent (As I picked up the infection in my school locker room) and feels as though they are freezing the area with the wart. Pain initially is little and then builds as the liquid nitrogen is applied for longer, but the pain is mild and only requires a little jaw clenching and muscle tensing to get through. The wart hurts after, but more in a clean disinfected way than the sore way it usually does. With a wart, you can still go about your usually life with a rather small limp.
Adults have less chance than children of picking up the virus (HPV) due to immunity built up over time. Although this is true, everyone should take precautions because this is a contagious virus and can even spread across the infected foot.
After showering, use a disinfectant spray on the shower or other to ensure that the next user of the shower doesn’t pick it up. Don’t walk around in public places barefoot, and clean feet often. Do not share socks or shoes and once the wart is gone, clean all the shoes that were worn while you had the wart. If the shoes are not cleanable, leave them in the sun or somewhere dry for 48 hours to kill any remaining virus. Simply take precautions, and your feet should be fine.
Source: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/plantar-warts/DS00509

Parents know that no matter what they do, children get into things they shouldn’t, sometimes causing horrific skin irritations. Did you also know there are common skin diseases, which, if left untreated, cause intense discomfort and infections?
One skin disease that comes to mind right off the top of my head is eczema. My daughter, who is now 16, has dealt with eczema all of her life. Her eczema is allergy-based. Most cases are. But if we don’t treat it immediately with topical corticosteroids then it inflames and can even cause impetigo, another common skin disease in children.
Now, impetigo is not normally ’caused’ by eczema; but if the eczema is left untreated and constantly irritated (such as excessive scratching), then your child is more likely to get impetigo (a bacterial infection of the skin).
Eczema (in this case ‘atopic’) can happen at any age, but seems to be very common in children, people with allergies such as hay fever and even people with asthma. The eczema lesions on my daughter are reddish in color, raised and dry; sometimes scaly. According to medicine net, this is a common appearance. They can also appear in a circular pattern; resembling ring worm (a fungus of the skin); which we have also experienced. Ring worm can only be treated with an anti-fungal cream, where as eczema can only be treated with the use of steroid creams as stated previously. Eczema can also be ‘wet’ (oozing) and can even burn. Most people with eczema experience it mainly on their face, inside of the elbows, inside of the knees and neck; but eczema can appear on any part of the body.
Above I mentioned one form of eczema, but there are several others as stated on medicine net. All of these forms are very similar to atopic eczema with some slight variations. They include; contact, seborrheic, nummular, neurodermatitis, stasis dermatitis and dyshidrotic eczema.
Contact Eczema is as it states: eczema resulting from contact with either a chemical or an allergen, poison ivy being a prime example.
Seborrheic Eczema is more commonly referred to as ‘cradle cap’ or even dandruff by parents and doctors alike. If you have ever seen a baby with this condition you know what I mean. It is yellowish, scaly and oily. It does seem to run in families and the best defense is dandruff shampoos and proper washing of the scalp.
Nummular eczema is a rather uncommon form and seems to happen mainly in elderly men.
Neurodermatitis, stasis dermatitis and dyshidrotic eczemasare more common in young adults, older adults and sometimes even the elderly.
Acne Vulgaris
Acne vulgaris is one of those skin issues we don’t always think of as a disease; but it is a disease. This disease is not just prevalent in the teenage population, but also some adults have to deal with this sometimes scarring condition. I am focusing on the child (teenage) side of acne.
According to Julie C. Harper, MD; acne vulgaris “affects 82-100% of the population at sometime during their lives.” That most definitely makes this condition a ‘common’ problem.
Doctor Harper states that it is also “characterized by non-inflammatory follicular papules or comedones and by inflammatory papules, pustules and nodules in its more severe forms.” Basically, this just means you have either an ‘inflamed’ (large, swollen acne) form or a form that is not inflamed (such as blackheads/whiteheads). Unfortunately the more severe cases of acne not only cause damage to the surrounding tissue, but can also cause psychological and social issues amongst teenagers.
Researchers don’t really know the ‘exact’ cause of acne vulgaris, but they have come up with multiple, plausible factors. One of them is NOT food. Acne is not caused by what you eat or drink; despite what we were told as teenagers.
The combinations of factors that cause some teenagers to have severe acne include hormones, excess oil production (why their skin seems to look oily more often than not) and Pacnes which is a bacterium that is found in many acne lesions; as reported by Julie C. Harper.
From personal experience and doctors that I have spoken with; the best treatment for acne is to not only keep your skin as clean as possible and use benzyl peroxide; but don’t ‘over’ wash. Over washing is actually considered an irritant to your skin. Even for people with bad acne, you only need to wash twice a day. Once in the evening before bed and once in the morning; that is all; no more.
If you have severe acne, sometimes the best thing is just to consult your physician. They may have prescription drugs that can assist you in controlling the acne.
Growing up I don’t ever remember having problems with warts; although many of my friends did have warts. My first experience with warts was with one of my daughters. She grew a lovely ‘plantar’ wart. These warts grow on the soles of your feet.
All warts are caused by the HPV virus (human papillomavirus), are contagious and most of the time can be removed rather easily. Plantar warts can have the typical ‘wart’ look which is fleshy to white in appearance, hard and rough. Sometimes, like with my daughter they will have small, dark spots within the wart. These are not ‘seed’ as many of us have been told as children; they are actually tiny points of blood. These warts can be quite painful and sometimes need the intervention of a doctor to remove.
Warts, whether on your hands or feet are treated the same. In my daughter’s case, we were told by her doctor to apply over-the-counter medicine for warts according to package directions. If for some reason the wart hadn’t cleared up, then the doctor would have tried removing it himself. Other options include freezing (doctors use liquid nitrogen), duct tape which causes irritation to the wart and other therapies; according the mayoclinic.com
All though warts are not life threatening, they can be quite irritating depending on which part of the body they are located. It is always best to have a physician confirm that it is indeed a wart; especially if using over-the-counter products are not working.
Herpes (oral)
I am not sure about you, but I don’t always think of herpes (oral) as being a childhood disease; but it is and quite common. Oral herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus and causes what we commonly call cold sores on children and adults. I did not realize until I began researching oral herpes that is not only affects the lips (cold sores), but also affects the inside of the mouth.
Whether you know it or not, oral herpes is highly contagious. According to eMedicineHealth; everyone has been infected by at least one subtype of the herpes simplex virus by the time they are an adult. If you weren’t germ-a-phobic before reading this, you may well be one now. This brings a new meaning to ‘wash your hands’ that I am always drilling into my children’s brains. Also, you can have herpes and never even know. This is referred to as asymptomatic infection.
Basically, the virus lives within your body, yet you do not experience any of the painful symptoms associated with herpes. I feel for anyone who has this disease. I had a friend while I was growing up that had oral herpes and she told me on more than one occasion that it is painful.
Oral herpes is very recognizable by the blister that can form on the lips. There is, according to my friend, a tingling sensation and then a blister develops. Herpes unfortunately is not curable; but some of the best treatments include taking over-the-counter medications for pain and discomfort. Your physician may even be able to give you a prescription that can help with the duration of your outbreak.
This article is for information purposes only. I am not a medical expert, and I do not play one on TV.
The Doctors at Medicine Net
Eczema (Dermatitis) Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
Julie C. Harper, MD; “Acne Vulgaris”, eMedicine
Mayo Clinic Staff; “Common Warts” Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic Staff; “Plantar warts” Mayo Clinic
Author: Lisa Chan, MD, FACEP, Associate Program Director, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Arizona; “Oral Herpes” eMedicineHealth

Genital warts are common and embarrassing problem existing in the world population. Genital warts are noticed in millions of people around the world. Since most of the people feel embarrassed to visit a physician, they may go untreated.
What are Genital Warts?
Genital warts are nothing but small, flat, flesh-colored bump usually occurs in and around the external genitalia of both sexes. Genital warts look ugly and not fashionable. Initially it occurs in pinhead size. Then it grows up to a grain of rice to a peanut size. The color varies from yellow, pink to light brown. It may occur in clusters or in single.
Etiology of genital warts
Human Papilloma virus is the causative organism for the genital wart. Young adults of 17 to 33 years are at greatest risk for this condition. The predisposing factors for genital warts are smoking, using oral contraceptives, having multiple sexual partners, and an early coital age. Genital warts are usually transmitted through physical contact and contact with infected person’s warts.
Genital Warts Symptoms
Pinhead sized growth in the genitals immediately after exposure to unsafe sex.

Mild irritation in the affected area.

Itching and burning around the sex organs.
Genital Warts Diagnosis
Genital warts cannot be diagnosed by specific tests for guys who don’t show symptoms. A noteworthy diagnosis can be performed in women without symptoms by presence of HPV through a pap smear (a test that is performed during a gynecologic exam).
Genital Warts Treatment
Treatment of genital warts can be difficult. Traditional methods are not effective for every person. Treatment of genital warts is found to be very painful process, which include electrocautery or surgical removal.
Surgical Treatment for Genital Warts
Surgical removal is found to be more effective for the genital warts up to 63-91% with lowest recurrent rates. Laser surgery is also being performed for the removal of the genital warts. This requires general or spinal anesthesia depending upon the number of warts. Other options include carbon dioxide laser treatment and electro desiccations are also being extensively practiced by the surgeons for the cure of genital warts. The interferon drugs which are extensively used for treating viral infections holds good for genital warts. Injection of interferon alpha 2a and 2b into each lesion twice a week for eight weeks interval gives fruitful results for the patients suffering from genital warts.
Topical Applications for Genital Warts
Podophyllum resin, a plant product is found to be effective in the initial stage of treatment. This should be applied topically by the physician weekly and cleaned off after 6 hrs.
Podofilox (Condylox) is also found to be effective for curing genital warts, if it is applied twice daily at least for four weeks. Over-the-counter medicines such as Iniquimod 5% cream are readily available for the patients suffering from genital warts. This Iniquimod cream has to be applied for 16 weeks but the effect can be appreciated in the 8-10th week itself.
Home remedy of genital warts
The best home remedy for genital wart is the use of Duct tape. A wart-sized piece of duct tape should be applied over the wart and kept undisturbed for one week. Then the tape is removed by soaking it with water. Now rub the wart with either emery board or pumice stone, and again reapply a new tape for another week.
Tips to prevent genital warts
Usage of condoms decreases the chances of transmission of genital warts.
Sexual abstinence from the people suffering from genital warts.
Weekly follow-up checkups after initial treatment by the individuals suffering from genital warts (self-exam also being advised).
Examination of the sexual partners of the genital wart sufferer as a prophylactic measure.
Though the warts can be removed by any one of the methods, the causative agent Human Papilloma virus will remain in the infected persons body for the rest of their life. Sometimes the Genital warts may reappear after they have been removed.