warts removal

Natural Remedy for Wart Treatment: How to Use a Banana Peel to Remove Warts

Posted on: December 28, 2012

If searching the internet for a natural remedy for wart treatment, everything from nail polish, garlic, or duct tape may appear. But if you are serious about a successful home remedy for warts, head to the produce section of the grocery store. Something as simple as a small piece of banana peel is an effective and safe natural remedy for wart treatment.
This natural remedy for wart treatment can be used to treat a common wart on a hand or planter warts which are commonly found on the feet. Take a banana peel and cut a piece big enough to cover the area of the skin that is affected by the wart. Place the peel inside down and cover with a bandage or medical tape. Make certain that the bandage will keep the peel securely in place over the wart. The banana peel can remain in place for 8-12 hours or until you are ready to remove. This natural remedy for wart treatment will continue to work until the bandage is removed.
The most success has been reported when changing the peel 2-3 times per day and leaving it on overnight. This natural remedy for wart treatment may not be the quick fix that a medical procedure offers but it is safe, effective and most importantly, natural.
Some have reported a slight burning sensation when using the banana peels as a natural remedy for wart treatment. There are no adverse effects and this method is 100% safe. A typical wart can be removed in 7-10 days with consistent use. You can see the removal process as the skin effected by the wart will start to darken.
If you are not a fan of eating bananas, the peel can be stored in the freezer with small pieces being removed as necessary or the pulp can be scraped from the inside of the banana peel and applied without the peel it’s self being used. If you are a fan of bananas, this natural remedy for wart treatment is also beneficial to fight off a quick hunger pain.
The banana peel contains nutrients such as tryptophan and potassium . These nutrients are believed to be what contributes to the healing properties of the banana peel when used as a natural remedy for wart treatment. It is much better to use a natural remedy to treat warts. Over the counter treatments as well as those administered by a physician can cause permanent scarring to the skin.
Most people that use the banana peel as a natural remedy for wart treatment, also report eating more bananas during the process. Although no research could be found on the link between eating more bananas and the healing process, it is well known that bananas are rich in vitamin C which is beneficial to the body. Rather it be healing from the outside in or inside out by eating healthy, the body will benefit and the warts will be gone. Finding a natural remedy for wart treatment really does not get any healthier than a banana peel.

1 Response to "Natural Remedy for Wart Treatment: How to Use a Banana Peel to Remove Warts"

In this article really a very useful and chepast solution for warts removing .i fell so active thanks Banana Peel

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