warts removal

What is the Best Treatment for Genital Warts?

Posted on: December 28, 2012

Got genital warts and looking for the best treatment for the warts? Well, the good news is if you are suffering, then there is a wide range of potential treatments.
If you want to go the medical route, then you can get surgical treatment for your genital warts.
You can also get a topical treatment for your genital warts. You can find these types of treatments both over the counter and prescription strength.
Finally, there are natural remedies for removing genital warts. These remedies are proven to work and the best part is they are natural and don’t require the painful medical treatments that most men and women will follow.
If you have discovered that you have genital warts and are too embarassed to go to a doctor, then the good news is there are natural wart removal treatments that you can administer from the privacy of your home.
The reality is that there are several herbal extracts and plant oils that are proven to work when applied properly as a treatment for genital warts. The list includes many natural remedies such as Tea Tree Oil, Castor Oil, Aloe Vera juice and finally apple cider vinegar. There is research that can verigfy that these remedies actually work and testimonials from regular people who will attest to it.
There are also natural medicines that are specifically designed to treat genital warts and vaginal warts in both men and women. They are made from plant oils and other natural extracts that are very well known to have medicinal healing power.
Wartrol is one of these natural medicines. The biggest advantage that Wartrol has over most of the other genital wart natural remedies is that rather than an application, Wartrol is homeopathic and is taken orally which means that it will respond to both external genital warts but also internal genital warts that are inside the vaginal canal, the cervix and the anus.
There are a lot of websites that would love to have you believe that there is an outright cure for warts of any kind, genital or otherwise. The truth is that once you have warts, you will always have them….what these companies are banking on is the fact that most warts will disappear on their own usually within a couple weeks.
Just because you have the virus, doesn’t mean that you will have a reccuring problem with warts though. There are several factors that will influence a wart outbreak. The biggest factor is how well your immune system is able to cope…in other words, if you immune system starts to get bogged down, then you risk a wart outbreak.
The best cure for warts is to keep your immune and digestive system in the best shape you can. This can be achieved through a sensible diet plan consisting of organic food AND an occasionally master cleanse via a juice fasting diet plan (short) every 1-2 months.
The problem that most men have when determining whether they have genital warts, a doctor will have to implement special tools to make a 100% diagnosis. The biggest problem that genital warts pose for men is that sometimes the warts are too small to even be noticed. And the other problem is that an active outbreak is necessary for a doctor to detect it. And sometimes, the man with genital warts doesn’t even know that an outbreak is happening in the first place.
There are ways that doctors can see genital warts in men though. There are special enhancing procedures for the diagnose and treatment of warts.
Acetowhitening- Basically the procedure is the doctor applies a 5% acetic acid to the penis and areas of suspicion. After 5-10 minutes, the warts will be noticed because the affected areas will turn white revealing the warts.
The next step after detecting the wart, the doctor will need to decide if the wart needs treatment or if the affected condition is benign. To do this, he will perform a biopsy. The biopsy will get sent to a laboratory to see if it is the HPV related or not.
There is a natural treatment to cure genital warts in men though.
First tea tree oil is a plant extract found in Australia called Melaleuca Alternifolia. In addition to its reported natural remedy for genital warts, it is also used for treating other skin conditions like acne and dandruff as well as bad breath.
Oh, and did I mention that many believe that tea tree oil is a safe and effective way to treating genital warts in men and women?
Treating genital warts using tea tree oil is very simple. You take a few drops of tea tree oil on a cotton ball, take it to the genital wart using a band aid and then let it stay there overnight. Compress it and wait until the next morning. Repeat the process daily until the wart vanishes.
Treating a wart naturally will take some time and require patience and consistence. Treatment will depend on a number of factors including the size of the warts and how great the outbreak. In some cases, this could take a few weeks.
That said, tea tree oil is not the only natural remedy for treating genital warts. There are other ways to naturally treat them as well that have been proven safe and effective.
Some of the other natural ways include Aloe Vera, Castor oil, apple cider vinegar and Thuja Oil.
And then there is Wartrol. Wartrol is a homeopathic medicine that not only will kill the visible genital warts (external) but also internally genital warts, which can’t be treated with ointments and liquids. It works by triggering an immune system response against the warts. Once again, the treatment times vary according to the number of warts as well as the size of the genital warts.
But one thing is certain, using Wartrol will safely and effectively remove all the genital warts in men and women as opposed to the other natural remedies.
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  • Beyond The Bumps: Hi, do you have any experience with those types of wart treatment? If so, what was effective for you? Best regards, Luke Munchowsky
  • Selena: In this article really a very useful and chepast solution for warts removing .i fell so active thanks Banana Peel